Nokia 6720 classic - Play a song or a podcast episode

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Play a song or a podcast episode

To add all available songs and podcasts to the music library,

select Options > Refresh library.
To play a song or a podcast episode, select the desired

category, and the song or podcast episode.
To pause playback, press the scroll key; to resume, press the

scroll key again. To stop playback, scroll down.
To fast-forward or rewind, press and hold the scroll key to the

right or left.

Settings > Settings and Connection > Video sharing >

Preferred saving memory.
If you access other applications while you are sharing a video

clip, the sharing is paused. To return to the video sharing

view, and to continue sharing, in the home screen, select

Options > Continue.

To skip to the next item, scroll right. To return to the

beginning of the item, scroll left. To skip to the previous item,

scroll left again within 2 seconds after a song or podcast has

To modify the tone of the music playback, select Options >

To modify the balance and stereo image, or to enhance bass,

select Options > Audio settings.
To view a visualisation during playback, select Options >

Show visualisation.
To return to the home screen and leave the player playing in

the background, press the end key.